Saturday 20 June 2020

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola a brand we all come to love and enjoy is one of the biggest companies in the world, and most certianly the world's biggest drink company. 

In May 1886, Dri John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola and within the first year, he sold 9 glasses of Coke a day for 5 cents a glass. Now, the company sells more than 1.9 billion servings a day. That's equivalent to one of four people buying a product from Coca-Cola ("How many drinks does The Coca-Cola Company sell worldwide each day?| Frequently Asked Questions | Coca-Cola GB", 2020)

Although around 94% of the world's population recognises the red and white coca-cola logo, the company spends nearly 10% of their revenue (approximately 4 billion dollars) on advertising and marking campaigns each year since 201("How Much Coca-Cola Spends on Advertising", 2020). This massive sum of mobey was mainly spent on a range of campaigns across several countries. This hefty budget allows the company to experiment and get creative with their marketing tactics.

Traditionally, the company uses video print, physical advetising and commercials with a focus on festive holidays like Christmas. 

However, in 2017, Coke TV and the coke emoji was introduced along with the use of social media via hashtags. This attempt broadened their influential radius. 

The 'Share Happiness' campaign took a hit as well, where it started with the Coca-Cola can being sperated into two mini cans by twisting it, and then shared between two people. 

Arguably, the most successful campign was the 'Share a Coke with' campaign where the company used a naming tactic, where the company printed over 17, 000 names on the Coca-Cola bottles (Davis, 2017)

There was a immediate positive reaction as unaffiliated celebrities bought the bottles and the campign blowing oup on social media comments and other media coverage. The company says that the success to their compaign was based solely on the use of a person's most personal thing that they possess which is their name. Our name is our fingerprint, our identity, and it can't get any more personal than using our names on a bottle of Coke. 

The wide range of advertising tactics used by Coca-Cola will continue to assist the sales of their products worldwide and is unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon.  


Davis, B. (2017). The 15 biggest moments in marketing since the launch of the iPhone. Retrieved from

How many drinks does The Coca-Cola Company sell worldwide each day?| Frequently Asked Questions | Coca-Cola GB. (2020). Retrieved from

How Much Coca-Cola Spends on Advertising. (2020). Retrieved from

Saturday 23 May 2020

What is Harmony Day?

Harmony day is celebrated on the 21st of March in Australia and it promotes diversity and the acceptance of other cultures.

What is the 'message' of Harmony Day?

The message of Harmony Day is "Everyone Belongs". It defines community participation, inclusiveness, celebrating diversity, respect and belonging.

What is the official colour for the day?

Orange is the official colour of Harmony Day.

What does the colour stand for and why was this colour chosen?

This warm and inviting colour is associated with social communication and encouraging two-way conversations as it motivates people to think and have a meaningful conversation.

What other important international day shared the day with Harmony Day? 

The 21st of March also celebrates World Down Syndrome Day and I feel it is connected to Harmony Day, as those with disabilities too much be included and accepted by all.